Monday, June 20, 2011

Drunk, Broke and Out of Shape

Reuters: IMF cuts U.S. growth forecast, warns of crisis.
"Yet that relatively benign global outlook could quickly fall apart if politicians in the United States and Europe do not start showing more leadership in addressing their countries' debt problems, the fund warned."

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18

America is acting these days like a foolish drunk who, despite the party winding down, refuses to slow down herself, sober up and go home. We are a nation marked by hedonism. We have bought this high at the expense of our prudence and wisdom; we have sold the foundation of the house to purchase a new home theater.

We need not political leaders who tell us that the good times are still rolling, but leaders who ask that we sober up and consider our present situation. And our present situation is that we are drunk, broke and out of shape. We need someone who will say, "Put down that game of Angry Birds, we need to talk."

Reuters article: