It makes me sincerely long to live in a simpler time. It makes me wonder, what would it be like to spend nearly all day outside? What would it be like to work for everything? What would it be like to take nothing for granted? What would it be like to take time to talk to neighbors? What would it be like to gaze in wonder at an airplane overhead?
What would it be like to appreciate freedom? We run around all the time taking it for granted. During WWII, this country sacrificed over 416,000 men for the cause of freedom. Why would these brave men go put their lives on the line? Because there was evil that needed to be stopped. It was clear what needed to be done. And what a sacrifice.
Compare that with what we see today. "Sacrifice? You mean give up my life for someone else?" Sacrifice in our culture has turned from something honorable into something feared. But there are glimpses of hope still. Flight 93. Wesley Autrey. Our military servicemen and women. Whichever side you fall on with war, know this: people have sacrificed their lives so that we may live freely. Let us honor that sacrifice by living responsibly. It took a life.

1 comment:
Thank you for writing. I often long for those days too. Although, I do believe it takes a simple bending of our will to accomplish these delights in our own lives. If we live winsomely attractive lives, others may follow. For now, we may offer our lives in sacrifice for each of the others who do not understand the laying down of their own souls... yet.
Thank you again, friend.
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