Monday, August 3, 2009

The View from the Top

Today I was working on the summit of Pikes Peak (which I do now as an EMT), and I took some time to look outside the summit house and watch some people walk around. Today there was a kid of about sixteen years old, wearing baggy clothing and a grim expression, walking around by himself. After shuffling around for a couple of minutes, he stepped out onto the concrete overlook on the eastern-facing edge of the mountain.

From that overlook there is a vantage point of at least 100 miles of land to the east of Pikes Peak; and the other sides offer similar views. Today was an especially marvelous day to dwell at such a place and look into the distance for hours. As I watched this guy out on the overlook, I saw him gaze out for a few seconds, then look down and send a text message, and walk back to the building.

Sometimes the problem isn't the things we pay attention to, but the things we ignore.

Standing atop a 14,000 foot mountain, we give our attention to a 1.5 inch LCD screen in our hands. Is this a metaphor waiting to happen or is it just me?

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