Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beliefs, Ala Carte

Why do we feel like we need to have beliefs customized to our desires?

In the last week or so I have noticed people throwing around phrases like "God has a plan," and "It's just karma, man," as if they come from within the same framework of beliefs. And it is astounding. I see the marks of two trends working here. (1) Relativism. Belief 1 is just as valid as belief 2, even if they are opposed. (2) Customization (i.e. pluralization). "Could I please have a grande, double espresso, decaf, low fat, caramel macchiato, with extra foam, topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a dollop of whipped cream?" Or, "Could I please have a small, happy, non-offensive, double prosperity Jesus with extra mysticism, topped with a sprinkle of higher consciousness, and some Siddhartha on the side?"

No, you can't.

And I'll just have a coffee, and try to add as little to it as possible.

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